Sound Healing
"If you want to find the secret of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
-Nikola Tesla
Sound healing has been used for centuries all over the world. Sound healing is also refereed to as a Sound Bath. There are many tools that can provide this type of healing like Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, Tuning Forks, Bells and Tibetan Singing Bowls.
I myself have a Quartz Singing Bowl, Tibetan Singing bowl and Chakra Tuning Forks.
How does it work?
Sound waves swim into our ears and travel to our brain. Our bodies then respond to the vibration. We release emotions, relax and unwind. For example if you were to turn on the radio and hear a heavy metal song you would feel very different switching the channel and hearing a soft jazz. Music is therapy. Do you ever turn on your favorite song when you are in a certain mood? Maybe there's a song that's uplifting and another that helps release sadness.
Music is vibration.
Here I will be using Quartz Singing Bowl, Tibetan Singing bowl and Chakra Tuning Forks.