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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique of energy healing.

           "Rei" :Wisdom of Higher Power

                "Ki":   Life Force Energy

Reiki is a form of spiritual healing that everyone & everything can benefit from. You can receive a Reiki healing by laying down on a massage table, sitting in a chair or even distance healing. Most of the healing is done in the aura. An Aura is the area around the physical body. There is some hands on healing as well.

Every healing is beneficial, sometimes you wont feel anything but inside the work is being done.

Energy healing is simply removing energy blockages or letting the emotion rise to the surface to be processed.

There are many tools used in healings. My favorite.. an obvious choice.. CRYSTALS! Some others are Sage, Palo Santo, Herbs, Pendulums, Singing Bowls, and many more.

A quick bit of information on Chakras. These are the 7 main chakras.  If you look at the photo to the right 



Purple-Located at the top of your head- Spiritual Connection 

                          Third Eye:

Indigo- Located just above the brow in the center- Psychic Connection


Blue-Located at the throat. Communication. Truth


Green- Located at the heart. Compassion. Love

                       Solar Plexus:

Yellow-Located just above the belly button. Personal Power.Confidence


Orange-Located just below the belly button. Sexuality. Creativity. Emotions.


Red-Located at the base of your spine. Grounded. Security. Survival.

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